Elections announce hard political battles in US
The results of the elections for the US Congress and the takeover of the House of Representatives by the Democrats are sign of good health of American
Elections also open the door to major battles with the Republicans, who held control of the Senate and President Donald Trump on various issues -
from health care, through taxation to politics across Europe, according to the world's media.
The return of the House of Representatives under the control of the Democrats is much more than the victory of one party. This is a sign of the health
of American democracy, said the Washington Post.
"Turning against the leading party in Washington even at the moment of economic prosperity, voters from Keys West to Kansas refused to accept the
continued degradation of their nation's political culture ... Voters throughout the country refused to call Donald Trump to vote on the basis of fear
of immigrants, and did not responded to his portrayal of the opposition as dangerous enemies, " says the Washington Post and adds:
"Now the House of Representatives will be in a position to investigate any number of potential administrative violations and demand responsibility:
the harsh separation of children of migrants from parents, the dubious decision to raise the issue of citizenship until the 2020 census,
the president's interference with the investigation of the Special Investigator Robert Muller.
Tuesday was a good day for the Democrats. It can be a good day for the Republicans, if they learn from their defeat in the House
and think about the "devil's contract" with Trump. "